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Writer's picturePaul Wynn

Giving Tuesday Now - May 5th

As I write, I know that no matter what part of the country or world where you live, your life has been turned upside down in one way or another. We continue to pray for our community, and all the different challenges that you face.

At a time when there is a lot of negative news coming at us every day in our personal lives and in the area where we live, I wanted to share a few positive things that we are looking forward to in the future.

Our Next Trip to South America

The first thing is we have set a date for our next trip to South America to work on a new round of Bible storying videos. These plans come with the same caveat as any plans we might make in the near future, it depends on how quickly things get back to normal. But God willing, we will return for in-country video production Oct 8-29.

We are excited to go back and work with our mission partners and our people group. So many amazing things happened just as a result of the video production last year. For example, a number of the actors made professions of faith. Also, there were many contacts and other uses of the videos that have been produced.

Reaching More People Groups

Our current mission partners have also introduced us to a number of other Christian workers who are reaching out to other people groups in their country. We plan to expand our video production to work with these other groups as well. We could potentially reach another 10-12 people groups through this upcoming trip.

A more immediate event is coming on May 5th. will be participating in #GivingTuesdayNow The idea is to bring together all different areas of our society in one big day of generosity. We are asking the community to come together and share our mission with like-minded believers. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, May 5th and join us!

The money we raise will all go to helping unreached people groups see and hear God’s Word in a way that they can understand. We, of course, want to do that through our Bible Storying Project. But the South American people group for whom we have been creating videos has been struggling to just find food during the Coronavirus lockdown in their country.

Just this week our mission partners there were able to carry food to members of our people group in their city. This is a part of our people group they have had difficulty reaching in the past. So they are building relationships that hopefully will last long after the pandemic has passed.

Half and Half

  • Half of all the funds we raise on #GivingTuesdayNow will go to provide more food for our mission partners to share with our people group during the COVID-19 crisis.

  • The other half will help fund the next batch of Bible Storying videos for this same people group.

Some of our community may be struggling to just get by in their own household. We understand that. But if you are locked down and able to do very little outside your home, could you join us by:

  • sharing information about the upcoming #GivingTuesdayNow event?

  • committing to pray for us leading up to that day?

  • praying about what God would have you give, if you are financially able?

  • praying about becoming a monthly partner with us?

Please plan to join us on this world-wide day of generosity!

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